Swan Lake On Water
Swan Lake On Water
Queen Symphonic
Tango after Dark
Emma Shapplin
Mireille Mathieu Budapest Aréna
Vienna Mozart Orchestra
Vienna Mozart Orchestra
Swan Lake On Water
Mireille Mathieu Meine groe ten Erfolge Tournee
Queen Symphonic Jenna Lee James
Fabius Constable and the Celtic Harp Orchestra
Queen Symphonic
Vienna Mozart Orchestra
Queen Symphonic
Mireille Mathieu Budapest Aréna
Mireille Mathieu Budapest Aréna
Dulaman – Voice of the Celts
Queen Symphonic Jon Boydon
Swan Lake On Water
Fabius Constable and the Celtic Harp Orchestra
Fabius Constable and the Celtic Harp Orchestra
Piaf ! Symphonic
Piaf ! Symphonic Opera de Nice
The Wall – Rock Opera
contact us
For bookings: Diana Grodberg, Co-founder & Booking Agent | Phone: + 356 79773978 | Mail:
For general inquiries: Kostas Grodberg, Co-founder & COO | Phone: + 356 79773977 | Mail:
Address: The Black Church, St. Mary’s Place, Dublin 7, Do7 P4AX | Registration number: 659835
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”